[Télécharger] How to Control Co-Dependent People de Tim Ozman,Greg Young,Illuminati Nation Pdf Ebook

Télécharger How to Control Co-Dependent People de Tim Ozman,Greg Young,Illuminati Nation livre En ligne

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Télécharger "How to Control Co-Dependent People" de Tim Ozman,Greg Young,Illuminati Nation livre En ligne

Auteur : Tim Ozman,Greg Young,Illuminati Nation
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Health, Mind & Body,Recovery,Adult Children of Alcoholics
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

How to Control Co-Dependent People takes a satirical approach to shedding light upon a very dark subject: narcissistic abuse. I wrote this in 2015, and shortly thereafter, my life took a turn for the better and I put all this behind me. I actually forgot what it was like to be codependent. Since then, I've gone further in my research into what underlies toxic interpersonal relationships, and I've learned how to identify it in government, media, religion, and corporations and the dynamic between these entities and those they control, influence, and/or enslave.I believe the master-slave dichotomy is the fundamental struggle here, as we are born into a society that encourages and rewards lockstep conformity. This audiobook is intended to demonstrate to those struggling with codependency just how narcissists actually view them. By hearing their "play book", codependents should be able to recognize covert abuse and avoid its pernicious effects. 

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