[Télécharger] The ACOA Trauma Syndrome: The Impact of Childhood Pain on Adult Relationships de Dr. Tian Dayton PhD TEP Francais PDF

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Télécharger "The ACOA Trauma Syndrome: The Impact of Childhood Pain on Adult Relationships" de Dr. Tian Dayton PhD TEP livre En ligne

Auteur : Dr. Tian Dayton PhD TEP
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Health, Mind & Body,Mental Health
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

Growing up in a home where there is addiction or relationship trauma puts a child at great risk for long-term, post-traumatic stress effects that adversely compromise adult relationships. Bestselling author, psychologist, and psychodramatist Tian Dayton examines this trauma through an exploration of the way the brain and body process frightening or painful emotions and experiences in childhood, and she shows how these traumas can become catalysts for unhealthy, self-medicating behaviors including drug and alcohol abuse, food issues, and sex, gambling, and shopping addictions.Through Dr. Dayton's insightful analysis and thoughtful examination, Adult Children of Alcoholics will learn how and why the pain they experienced in childhood plays out in their adult partnering and parenting, and they will learn how to restore health and happiness through their resilience.  

Télécharger The ACOA Trauma Syndrome: The Impact of Childhood Pain on Adult Relationships de Dr. Tian Dayton PhD TEP Livre PDF Gratuit

The ACoA trauma syndrome; the impact of childhood pain on ~ She addresses the AcoA trauma syndrome and how it is a post-traumatic stress syndrome, its effects, and how to manage them. She explains the family system that contains addiction, how the mind and body become affected by this dysfunctional relationship, the narcissistic parent, cases of adult children who have used self-medication to cope, case studies of attitude and lifestyle changes that .

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